Painkillers for brekkie

Tuesday afternoon, and Marty promised to come home from work around 4..that's one hour more to go. I'm getting a little bored here.. Not feeling too well today either, the pain is back again..but I found Doveys painkillers, so had tea, nanas and painkillers for brekkie this morning. Am not that soar anymore, so it's a good sign. Ihave to feel better tonight because we're going out. Ray was here this morning and told me that the plans are dinner first at Cactus Jack and then the pub.

Am a little tired today to. The bbq at Ray's and Christine's last night was later than I'm used to. But it was fun, and the food was great. Ray cooked my new favourite: Coral trout! I love it!
But we didn't get to bed till 0.30, and that's unusual for us nowadays. I have gotten used to get up before 8 in the mornings, that without setting the alarm! So because of the early mornings, I am smashed at 22 in the evenings..
In Sweden it's the opposite, I can't get up that early without force and can't sleep before midnight..